2moons » Player's Environment in 2 - די בלאָג פון aadd קלאָץ אין

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Knights are great for parties and soloing due to their high defense and good AOE skills in 2Moons. If you have a two hand mace knight it will be easier to AOE in PVE due to the skills that y

** ייַנטיילן דעם בלאָג **

אַלגעמיינע אינפארמאציע


שאַפונג: 12/08/2009 03:50
דערהייַנטיקן: 30/07/2010 02:42
ארטיקלען 13
וויסיץ פון דער וואָך 11766
גאַנץ וויזיץ 1659

2moons :: Player's Environment in 2

אנדערע בלאָגס: guide | ertyryhrthr ... | ...

United States - aadd
שטעלע: 116/56779 מיטגלידער

די זאכן זענען אויסגעשטעלט פון נואַסט צו אָולדאַסט!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: Leveling Places in 2Moons - 30/07/2010 02:42

Level 1-7 in 2Moons: stay inside the castle. It will be pretty easy because you can actually level up by like 7 in like 10 minutes.

Level 8-15: Go to North Ares/Denebe, they are located north side to the castle… Press M and you see it in the map.

Level(2moons dil) 16-24: Denebe… Look in the map in North Ares or Morte.

Level 25-34: Go to Heinharp. It is the Snow Place north to Denebe. Get a party first. In case you do not know what we are talking about. Just level up to 25 and you will understand.

Level(2Moons powerleveling) 34-45: Go to Nunvice. It is extremely high exp. It is located in requires beach. You get there by going to denebe and look the map.

45-55: Go to Norak/Castor 2nd floor. It is the most boring stage of the game. We almost quit there. You will have to walk a lot till level 50, when you get to 50 you can transport there.

55-60: Go to Crespo.. Awesome EXP and fun contrary to the boring caves you faced for a couple of levels earlier. Well, from 60+ you WILL understand almost every feature in the game.

Whew, it took me quite a time to finish this. If anybody wants to tell us or ask us something, please post it up. We will make sure to check it frequently.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: 2Moons Information: Weapons, Armor and Skills - 12/05/2010 03:45

Staunch allies of the Incar, the Azure Order have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of skill(2moons gold) in physical combat. Theirs is a tradition that goes back thousands of years, before The Incar Order even existed. For theirs is the way of battle, of discipline, of sacrifice and abnegation. As they honed their 2Moons skills throughout the ages, there were those of The Azure who were able to transcend mere bladecraft, tap into an internal source of power and unleash energies through the weapons they wield.

Azure Knights are like wine the older. In team, the Azure Knight could stand up for others and is usually in leader position. Would you like to buy professional 2Moons powerleveling? If so, please come here and our website will never let you down. Just feel free to contact us at any time. They protect the weaker, and kill everyone who doesn't respect their ways of life. Azure Knights' s best friend could be segnale of course beside his weapon. Azure Knights are often very friendly, but also very proud and sometimes they act like they are the only one in world. They cannot be bought, and they are honest to White Lady and all people in Haran. It is this purity of intent, and physical prowess that all Azure seek. They fight for The White Lady and people of Haran and value fidelity above all else. That is all, see you next time.


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: 2Moons information: how to kill a sumoner - 28/04/2010 07:14

The real question is how to beat a full heal summy at 160+ a 140, and hunter should destroy a 160 summoner, unless it is a staff but even then good staff summy vs good hunter in2Moons, your moneys on hunter, assuming gear is similar. You are likely to talk about the pvp be4 a6, with shadow + soullink, a +9 hunter can't even kb a full heal summy. Skills(2moons dil) like wondering fire and crow wing.


Ice arrow, divine rage, multi blink and demobomb can still KB summies. And only ice arrow has slower, the other skills all have fairly long cd, remember familiar spirit hits harder than da, and it's hard to dodge it, also spirit dagger is a range skill, and will kill every hunter, again use it when hunter use a skill.

You can also use explosion arrow, slow arrow, and other single shots. Besides, perhaps you have not been hit by a hunter lately. By the way, if you want to buy professional 2Moons powerleveling, please go to our site and have a look, we have enough stock anytime. You have seen hunters dish out 15k+ with divine rage. Multi blink was 9K per hit, ice arrows for like 7K, demobombs 7K for 3 hits. That is 15+18+7+21 = what like 60K damage. From just the one single skill chain. Ice them slow arrow them, explosion, the summy is basically dead from the go.


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: Guide for Boss Monsters in 2Moons - 06/04/2010 04:33

Some are wonder where are the boss monsters which has the position of there spawn point. So we can know that the level(2moons dil) range weapons and armor drop from the monster.

Here have some place for low levels(2moons powerleveling): first you can go to Blaverus- north west of braiken or loa and you will get level 12 items. Go to Giant mofa-South east of braiken or loa then you will get level 18 items.

You need to go giant langrama-North east of braiken or loa to get level 24 items for your character in 2Moons. If you are strong enough you can go to Giant Aramon-south east of braiken or loa where you can get level 30 items. 

By the way Behind parca temple, there's 6 bosses towards the end of norak. And castor entering draco desert, there are 2 bosses also, though you need to be about level 65 or higher. You can with a party to kill it.